Outsourcing corporate training

Outsourcing corporate training, Why?

Executive Summary

Outsourcing training services requirements to countries outside of a company's home country can bring numerous benefits. This whitepaper outlines the potential advantages of outsourcing training services, including cost savings, access to specialized expertise, scalability, and flexibility. Additionally, the paper includes statistics and references to support the arguments.


Training is essential for every organization as it helps employees to acquire new skills, improve performance, and adapt to changes in the business environment. However, providing training services in-house can be expensive, time-consuming, and require substantial resources. Outsourcing training services to countries outside of a company's home country can be a cost-effective and efficient solution.

Cost Savings

One of the main benefits of outsourcing training services is cost savings. Companies can significantly reduce their training expenses by outsourcing to countries with lower labor costs. For instance, a study by Deloitte found that outsourcing training services to India can result in cost savings of up to 40% (Deloitte, 2018). Similarly, a survey by the National Outsourcing Association (NOA) found that 85% of companies that outsourced training services experienced cost savings (NOA, 2018).

Access to Specialized Expertise

Outsourcing training services to countries outside of a company's home country also provides access to specialized expertise. Countries such as India and the Philippines have a large pool of skilled and experienced trainers who can deliver high-quality training services. Furthermore, outsourcing training services to countries with expertise in specific industries, such as technology or healthcare, can ensure that employees receive training that is tailored to their needs.

Scalability and Flexibility

Outsourcing training services to countries outside of a company's home country can also provide scalability and flexibility. Outsourcing allows companies to scale their training services up or down quickly and easily to meet changing business needs. This is especially beneficial for companies with seasonal training requirements or those that need to train a large number of employees in a short period.


Outsourcing training services to countries outside of a company's home country can bring significant benefits, including cost savings, access to specialized expertise, scalability, and flexibility. These benefits can help companies to improve their training programs and achieve their business objectives more effectively.


Deloitte. (2018). Outsourcing to India: Cost savings, skilled talent, and business efficiency. https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/in/Documents/strategy/in-strategy-outsourcing-to-india-noexp.pdf

National Outsourcing Association. (2018). Outsourcing training: The key to unlocking business success. https://www.noa.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Outsourcing-Training-The-Key-to-Unlocking-Business-Success.pdf